This past October 08 our home was shot by This Old House Magazine. As a "Thank You" I invited the TOH crew and folks that helped make the shoot happen over for meal at the old farm house on Bone Hollow Road. I asked Amy Rosenfeld, Creative Director, what sorta meal she would like? I suggested Moroccan, she loved the idea.
Gregory and I researched the Tajine meal and the recipes through Paula Wolfert's "Couscous and Other Good Moroccan Foods"(food stylist Roscoe Betsil suggest's that the cookbook is one of the best Moroccan cookbooks). Gregory spyed this little diddy which we prepared as an ending to a truly fun meal. I might suggest placing a sliver of Kif Candy on a peice of Dry Soppressa Sausage...savory and sweet on your palate. yummmmmmm
*eat with care! enjoy and play fun music for hours of fun!